My Story

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Chelsea. Born and bred in the heart of America, I have since landed across the big blue on the coast of Australia with the love of my life. Having to travel between two homes over the years I have found stability in photography and the power it gives me to hang on to the people and places I cherish most. I come from a big close knit family who I love deeply, and I think it's this sense of family that makes me so passionate about capturing a families unconditional love, as well as the individuality we each have.

My husband is my muse, and I find so much joy in telling the story of our life through my photos of him. The fact that I am able to use my photography to help others tell their unique story is what makes this career so fulfilling. So whatever it is that you're looking to capture, get in touch, lets make it happen!